A little about me and why I am here for you…
So glad you found me.
i am alicia dunable.
Hello beautiful people! I am so excited that you are here and taking some time to read my website and send some love energy to yourself too. Congrats on listening to your body’s needs and researching options that might work for you. That’s a huge step.
My name is Alicia and I have a personal interest in being able to support you and your goals. Let me share why: I am an empath, I am a listener, I am patient, I am supportive, and I am equipped to guide you to your wellness goals. Let me share with you how and why I want to support you and others…
I started my health and wellness career in the mental health field. I have a masters degree in Counseling Psychology and I worked for over 10 years in a short-term psychiatric hospital designed to help stabilize patients in crisis. I also had my own private practice where I helped teens, adults and families for many years. I specialized in addiction, eating disorders, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and more. I have helped people like you to uncover obstacles and roadblocks in life and to either overcome or learn to cope with these challenges. Even then, I was realizing that there was a missing piece to the puzzle. The food provided in the hospital wasn’t exactly full of nutrition and food/diet/exercise was minimally addressed.
Then in 2008, I was over stressed, working too much, not taking care of myself well, and in a relationship that wasn’t serving me anymore. Finally, it all came crashing down with my first panic attack, anxiety disorder diagnosis, hypothyroidism diagnosis, and breakdown. I learned I needed to make some drastic changes in my life. And I did.
I wish I would have known everything I know now about nutrition and mental health because my recovery could have been easier. But I trekked through it somehow and got myself on a different track, one that included more self attention and care. Because of these experiences, I started researching holistic health, nutrition, and food through blogs and books and it helped me build the foundation for what I do today.
Another inspiration for my work and passion is my family. I want the best for my family and showering them with nutritional support and a healthy lifestyle is one way I love them. In particular, our son has had some challenges over the years with his emotions and behaviors. It has been a journey that is continually unfolding. I truly believe that our focus on health and nutrients has helped us all. We would all be in a much different place if we were eating the standard American diet that surrounds us on tv, ads, stores, and in restaurants.
We are human and designed to instinctively thrive towards health. Our bodies are amazing and I want to help teach you how. I am like you or maybe your sister, wife, or mother. I am a woman striving for my own optimal health; I am a wife who wants the best health and longevity for her husband; and I am a mother who wants to create healthy habits and teach strong foundations to my child. I am also a nature lover who loves hikes in the mountains, snorkeling ocean reefs, and picnics at the beach. I love to feel grounded through yoga, meditation, and moving my body playing tennis and taking long walks in the neighborhood. I put my family first and in order to do that, I put our health first.
I am here to walk with you. I am here to help you uncover what is fueling your stress, your symptoms, and your challenges. And I am here to help you build your own foundation of Essential Wellness. Because your wellness IS essential. I know that you want to be the best You and feel the best You possible. Let’s walk this walk together.
My Approach
I believe in and practice a holistic and bio-individual approach to health and wellness. While I firmly believe that food is medicine, food is not the only thing that nourishes us. Additionally, not all foods nourish us the same. We will discover what foods are most nourishing for your body and which ones are not.
In our lives, we must create a solid and sustainable foundation of community support (family, friends, and like-minded individuals; both in-person and on-line). Positive people and relationships nourish our hearts, our souls, and can inspire us to be our best in each moment possible. We will work on creating and/or sustaining a supportive system for you.
Healthy habits also nourish us. It is important to find activities that feed our mental and emotional health like journaling, meditation, nature outings, rituals of intention, etc. Our bodies also need movement to thrive and function optimally. We don’t have to be marathon runners or cross-fit junkies to gain maximum benefit from exercise. We only need to move daily in ways that nourish our own unique, individual bodies. We will find the right type of movement for your body.
Through our work together, we will address all of these areas and more to find the right activities, habits, and environments that serve you and your purpose and the greater good you are seeking.
Dream it
You are here which means you have imagined something different in your life. You already know how it has been and you know you want something more. You have come to the right place. Hold on to your dream, remember how and why you got here, and let time and relationship take course.
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver”
-M.K. Gandhi
Putting in the time, money, and effort into yourself is an investment, not an expense or a sacrifice. When you choose to focus on your wellness, you are clearing the path to live a life with intention, clarity, purpose, hope, and love. Taking care of yourself is a beautiful way of showing love to you and others. Recovery and change is not linear, so expect the bumps and curves in the journey. As long as you stay on the path, you will see and feel the rewards and goodness you have been dreaming of.
“How does one become a butterfly?…You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”
-Trina Paulus